Friday, September 12, 2008

First day at the beach

The girls had there first time ever seeing a beach. We were in Duluth MN for a vacation and family visit and took the girls to the beach, Kaitlynn took her first look at the huge lake that looks more like an ocean if you didn't know any better and said," Ok lets go to grandmas now" she was terrified. The wind was blowing off the lake and it was cold yet people were swimming Katie couldn't believe it she gave them looks like they were nuts haha. She and Haddi have only experienced 100 plus degree heat most there lives. I had to literally drag her to the sand so she could experience that and once she was aware we weren't there to swim she got more comfortable and we started to have some fun. As brief as it was due to plans made earlier that day .. it was exquisite! Enjoy a few pics of our wonderful day!

First day at the beach

First day at the beach
Katie terified but trying to smile ;)

Daddy and his little girls

Daddy and his little girls
oops cut off daddy's head lol

Mommy and our little ones

Mommy and our little ones
look at us in sweaters the people on the beach thought we were nuts haha

Two beauties in AWE

Two beauties in AWE
They are so sweet

What is this mommy

What is this mommy
Haddi playing in sand

This tastes funny

This tastes funny
Haddi EATING sand

Sand angels

Sand angels
Katie making a sand angel. She has never been in snow or sand before i wonder were she got this from really? Still it is cute!

Family shadow Pic

Family shadow Pic
this is cute

Lets Go!!

Lets Go!!
Katie ready to go!

By beach

By beach

Were leaving now

Were leaving now
Common mommy!

Long day

Long day
Still draging my purse ( i'm sure there is a sand box in there by now)